Terry's Other Games Presskit

Hello there! Here are some quick resources that might be useful if you wanna tell people about the Terry's Other Games collection:

Quick overview:

I'm Terry Cavanagh, and I'm an independent game designer. I made the following commercial games:

Terry's Other Games is a collection of stray games I made over the last 20 years or so! It ranges from substantial freeware releases and abandoned prototypes, to quick jam games and throwaway joke games.

I've been working on this collection with Justo Delgado Baudí, who also worked as a programmer on Dicey Dungeons!

Other details:

Planned release date:

  • February 13th, 2025
  • (unless that changes, but I'll try not to if I can help it)

Steam Page:

Itch Page:

  • not currently ready, check back later


  • $9.99 USD

How do I request a steam key for review?

What games are in it?

  • Don't Look Back
  • At a Distance
  • Naya's Quest
  • Tiny Heist
  • Mr Platformer
  • A few other games, not too many, don't worry about it

What are some interesting things about the collection that I won't have seen on your steam page?

  • uh let's see
  • Don't Look Back runs at 60fps now! It used to be 30fps.
  • In fact, most of the games have had little updates to look a bit better or run a bit better. I've been thinking of the ports in terms of minor updates rather than major changes. Everything is pretty faithful to the original versions, but they have, like, gamepad controls and localisations now.
  • At a Distance in particular used to be a real pain to play - you needed to have two computers set up side by side and connected on a local area network. The version in the collection now is just a simple splitscreen co-op version.
  • One of the games in the collection is The Hunt, which I made in QBasic as a teenager. It's way too hard and has a story (sorry).
  • Another one of the games in the collection is an unfinished prototype from 2011. I submitted a demo of it to the IGF as Four Letter Word. I never manage to finish it, and I haven't released the prototype publicly before.
  • The last game in the collection is itself a collection, called Terry's Trainwrecks, and contains a dozen or so smaller things.
  • Because of the way the games have been ported (talk to me if you want the technical deepdive!), it should be fairly easy to make new HTML5 versions, which I'll be slowly re-releasing throughout the year with no particular schedule, as time permits.
  • Grab them by the eyes, the game about running a food cart, has an enhanced sign editor and gif exporter now!